Saturday, October 22, 2011

We meet again continues...

My week in Bermuda's bed was a lot of just that. We had sex 2-4 times a day and generally just enjoyed being together. A few highlights for you:

The first night I was there I got to meet roommate A's girlfriend. Meeting her was a really high point of the trip, she was so welcoming, cheerful and talkative. I immensely enjoyed being and cooking with her. She was genuinely happy that I was there with Bermuda and kept asking when I would be coming back.

I met roommate A first. He walked into the living room where Bermuda and I were sitting.

Bermuda: "Roommate A meet Wendy. Wendy, roommate A."

Roommate A with big eyes and pointing his finger at me: "You're the girl from after the Rugby Classic!"

I burst out laughing. "Yes, that was me!"

Bermuda: "Yeah, I wasn't ready to introduce her to anyone then."

We all had a good laugh and started chatting.

Meeting roommate B was a bit more challenging only because he was friends with one of my girlfriends from home and I didn't want him to make the connection. The good news was that B was pretty shy and he and I didn't talk much. He was very nice though when we did speak.


Bermuda is an excellent cook. He definitely spoiled me while I was there with his prowess in the kitchen (not just in the bedroom!). My fav was the night he made us lamp kabobs. I made it very clear I was not so great at cooking so he had me do the prep work. As I was cutting the veggies he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. I leaned back into him and just remember feeling so content. It was such a small moment but was really very intimate.


On the Friday night Bermuda, Roommate B and I watched Love Actually. It's one of my fav movies of all time and apparently Bermuda and a friend made up a drinking game to go with it. Every time there is a Christmas tree or someone says 'love' you take a drink. Bermuda was far more into this than B and I were but we all had a good giggle over it and everyone played. Unfortunately Bermuda took his game far too seriously and drank himself to bed before the movie was over! That was the only night we went to bed without having sex first.


On my last morning at his place we had sex twice. We were both a bit sore and exhausted but it was the last chance we had. I packed my things and he called me a taxi. We ventured out of his room and there were tons of his friends over! I shook hands with everyone and introduced myself but Bermuda and I snuck out to the back porch to cuddle a bit more. It was a gloriously sunny and warm day, just like when I'd first arrived. We were wrapped around each other and were whispering back and forth. All of his friends could see us too. We heard the taxi drive by the hedge and knew it was time. He walked me out, we kissed and hugged and then I hopped into the taxi and left Bermuda standing at his front door.

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